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Live7 MaintenanceBoX CD 2010

Live7 MaintenanceBoX CD 2010

"Live7 MaintenanceBoX CD" is new bootable rescue CD contains alot of tools which help you to do some maintenance
tasks for your pc also it helps you to run the computer when windows become damage or boot failure and recover the corrupted system,
recover the lost data, remove the viruses and more ..CD Features
* Include all SATA Drivers
* Include all Lan Drivers, Network and USB
* Possibility of Internet connection
* Windows7 Live BartPE for easy accessing to your data
* Include anti-virus and anti-spyware tools (Live Update Available)
* Restore and management the backup and system Images
* Recover the deleted or losted data
* Recover the passwords for admin *** or other users
* Diagnosis and fix startup problems
* Get info for all system devices
* Measure temp of CPU and the system
* Remote Assistance Tools
* Win7 Recovery Tools for Windows7 maintenance
* Include MSDarT Tools for advances maintenance tasks and rescue
Size: 520 MB
Format: ISO
Bootable: Yes
Install Notes:
1. Unrar
2. Burn ISO file to CD Blank
3. Put the CD in your CD Driver
4. Restart your computer
5. The CD will run and boot.

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Film Shqip Hikmetja Kohezgjatja 1:02:38 minuta